Friday, May 29, 2009

Writer's Block

I have writers block...

I looks like this:

You see, that's me in the box, and all the good ideas are outside the box where I can't reach them.

You can tell it's a bad case of writer's block when that's the best ANALOGY I can come up with to describe it.

I'm screwed...

Stick with me here...

I'll find a way to get out of this box soon...

Friday, May 15, 2009

Stupid Nyquil...

Ridiculous things written on the side of my bottle of Nyquil:

Ridiculous Thing #1: Alcohol Warning: If you consume 3 or more alcoholic drinks every day, ask your doctor whether you should take acedaminophen or other pain relievers/fever reducers. Acetaminophen may cause liver damage.

Ridiculous Thing #2: Avoid Alcoholic drinks while using this product

Note: Nyquil contains an alcohol content of 10% and 500 mg of acedaminophen per 15 mL

I am now confused, slightly drunk, and very drowsy; all of which is successfully distracting me from the fact that I have a cold...

Oh, I get it...

Monday, May 11, 2009


Looking around my room, I realize that I have too much shit. Why do I have so much shit?

It's everywhere; it's in the closet; it's on the ledge; it's on the walls; it's in boxes and drawers and all sorts of places.


Look at these shoes... I have four pairs of shoes. That makes eight shoes. What the hell do I need eight shoes for? I don't need eight shoes...I need maybe two at the most.

And clothes... I have clothes that I've never even worn. I bought them once, took the tags off, and stowed them away in a box or a drawer where they now sit, gathering dust and adding to the shit clutter.

There's other shit too: movies and books and posters and lighters and old stereos...etc. etc.

I even have a bowling ball in my closet. WTF do I have a bowling ball in my closet? I don't even bowl...

It's just a whole lot of shit that I don't need...

I don't even need this computer. Ironic how I'm using it to complain about all the shit I have that I don't need when even IT is a piece of shit that I don't need.

But then again, sometimes it's nice to have shit you don't need.

E.G. I don't really NEED this beer, but it sure is nice to have.

I forgot what I was talking about...


Saturday, May 2, 2009

Tuna Fish Sandwich

I've been eating a lot of tuna fish lately. Partly because it is healthy for me; high in protein and such, and mostly because I make a pretty damn amazing tuna melt these days.

I mean, I have the recipe down to perfection.

-A few slices of wheatish bread.
-Some tuna; a can or two at most.
-Pickles; preferably dill, presliced to save time and effort.
-Mayo, preferably in a squeeze bottle; once again, to save effort.

That's all it takes. When these ingredients combine with my uncanny ability to man the fire oven, spatula in hand, the end result is an extraordinary sandwich meal.

That's all for today.