Thursday, May 26, 2011

Those Who Do

you're keeping up everybody in the house with all the bullshit

you're saying.  You're about as overtly-worded as a three year old macaw and you could sharpen an axe
with those speeches and chop down the entire fucking forest if you wanted to.

Thursday, May 19, 2011


There's a black hole monster
in the corner of the dining room,
munching up my matter,
growing fuller by the kitchen.
How many jaws
and teeth inside? It eats
the things I cannot find,
stomachs in other dimensions.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I Don't Know. Sure.

We traded stories about politics and guns and I don't know who's right but you make a good point, he and she said so too, and it could very well be that way cause maybe history really does work like that and we'll never learn and the same shit will just keep on coming up again and we'll all have forgotten how it's fixed cause time's gotten bigger or something came and stole our thoughts while we were sleeping.  I'm too busy to disagree.

Monday, May 16, 2011

What a great fucking day!

I will mark this day on my calendar with a pen and make it a holiday and celebrate it every year with beer and broads and good times for all involved. It will be called "The Greatest Fucking Day of The Year" and pretty soon they'll start making cards about it at the Hallmark store and if one wanted, one could go there and buy a "Greatest Fucking Day of The Year" card for their grandparent or wife or child or friend or coworker and sign it at the bottom so it's nice and festive.

Everyone will laugh and pat each other on the back and say positive things about each other and the things around them.  Best of all, there's free PB & J sandwiches and milk too! 

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Oil Oil OIl OI l oiOil oil oi lio il iOIl Oil

  For sale:  One (1) brown-shaded Volvo station wagon, aged with wisdom, electronically adequate.  You could be the new owner.  It could be you.  How much you pay, yeah?  Gimme yo money.

Oil oil oil o llioiloiloil oil oil oli l oiloi loio oil oi lo il oil oil oi l oi lio iloiloil oil loi loi loio oil oil oi l

Friday, May 13, 2011


You could make it into a story someday but you'd have to put in a lot of fiction or else it'd just be all normal and that's not interesting.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

This is dumb.

The clouds are shaped the same as the bushes and the trees' branches hang at perfect right angles off the trunk and the animals wear glasses.

a plain-looking house is about to fall off the side of a hill, maybe that's why a gourd-faced man is laughing and pointing at the pig in front of him.  It doesn't have to make sense.  There's a bird and a worm too but the bird just doesn't seem interested and rolls its eyes about the whole thing.  What a stupid picture.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Donkey Knog

step back into it.  Back to something, you know that it worked and how did you lose it?

Friday, May 6, 2011


Bob Bob Bob Bob Bob Bob Bo bb bB b B b b B b B lboob

Boobs Boobs

 I bought a blueberry.  Not a phone, a fruit.