Monday, May 11, 2009


Looking around my room, I realize that I have too much shit. Why do I have so much shit?

It's everywhere; it's in the closet; it's on the ledge; it's on the walls; it's in boxes and drawers and all sorts of places.


Look at these shoes... I have four pairs of shoes. That makes eight shoes. What the hell do I need eight shoes for? I don't need eight shoes...I need maybe two at the most.

And clothes... I have clothes that I've never even worn. I bought them once, took the tags off, and stowed them away in a box or a drawer where they now sit, gathering dust and adding to the shit clutter.

There's other shit too: movies and books and posters and lighters and old stereos...etc. etc.

I even have a bowling ball in my closet. WTF do I have a bowling ball in my closet? I don't even bowl...

It's just a whole lot of shit that I don't need...

I don't even need this computer. Ironic how I'm using it to complain about all the shit I have that I don't need when even IT is a piece of shit that I don't need.

But then again, sometimes it's nice to have shit you don't need.

E.G. I don't really NEED this beer, but it sure is nice to have.

I forgot what I was talking about...
