Wednesday, December 29, 2010

This Is How I like To Write NOw.

A triceratops is a type of dinosaur.  It has four legs and a nose and a horn on the tip of it's nose.  It doesn't eat meat though, because it's a herbivore which means that it only eats green things like lettuce and leaves and spinach.

Triceratops live in the forest where's there's no electicity or internet or even gas stations.  When it's daytime, they like to walk around and stomp their feet loudly on logs so that all the other dinosaurs know what's going on. 

That's how they communicate with each other, you see, is by stomping their feet on logs.

I would have to say that out of all the dinosaurs, the triceratops is my second favorite because, well yeah it's a pretty cool dinosaur but I'd have to say that the brontosaurus is the best just because it's so much taller than the triceratops and that means that it could probably beat it in a fight. 

And that settles it.