I had twelve apples, then I took four away. Now I have eight apples. If I take each apple and cut it in half and pop three seeds out of each apple and place them in the center of my hand, I'd have twenty-four seeds in the center of my hand. If I accidentally drop two seeds, then I'd have twenty-two seeds in the center of my hand and two seeds somewhere on the ground. If the place where I drop those two seeds happens to be near fertile soil, those two seeds may very well just grow into apple trees and then I'd have all sorts of apples. I don't even know if I'd know what to do with that many apples. I'd have to build a shed out of wood just so that I'd have a place to store all those apple tree apples in after I pick them or wait for them to fall off the tree and place them in baskets and hopefully they wouldn't be too bruised and I could make sure that the baskets stack nicely on top of one another and I could have a wooden shed full of apples in baskets.
Wouldn't that be a nice thing to do?